A Blog By A Guy.

Posts tagged “Navy

Stamford’s Sea Cadets Undergo A Uniform Inspection

On the 7th of May 2012, U.S. Naval Sea Cadets from Stamford’s Dealey Division underwent an inspection of their Dress White uniforms in preparation for end of the year events.

Quarters is held at the beginning of every Sea Cadet drill to pass on information about the evening’s events. On this evening, the cadets, who range in age from 10-17 were to undergo an inspection of their Dress White uniforms.

Lieutenant Joe Latwin, Executive Officer of Dealey Division, measures the distance between the shoulder seam and the Sea Cadet patch. Sea Cadets, like members of the military, are expected to keep their uniforms in accordance with strict standards. The easily identifiable Sea Cadet patch serves to differentiate Sea Cadets from Sailors in the U.S. Navy as both wear the same uniforms with the patch being the only substantial difference.

Lieuitenant Commander Jenniffer Stannard, Commanding Officer of Dealey Divison, takes a long look at the uniform of one of her cadets.  As Commanding Officer, Stannard is responsible for the overall appearance and performance of the division.

The Commanding Officer and Executive Officer of Dealey Division approach a cadet for inspection. The inspection process involves detailed measurements and observation of the cadets uniforms. The cadet in this photo was informed that he would be reinspected at a later date, as his uniform had not been properly ironed.

Following the inspection, cadets listen as they are debriefed on their performance and specific recurring uniform issues noticed by the staff of the division.